Colleges Must Be Bastions of Change

“We can change the world, but we must change ourselves first.”

Keith T. Miller

For many colleges and universities expanding partnerships is a change.  Partnerships with the city, the county and the state are change!  Partnerships with Nigeria, Uganda and Tunisia  are change!  Providing I-pads to all faculty members and students who are interested in them is a change!  Recruiting students from some of the top private high schools and from some of the poorest neighborhoods may be a change!  Increasing the number of (STEM) scholarships and students may be a change!  Creating commercials may be a change! Having a major social media presence may be a change.


Change reflects progress and the constant pursuit of excellence.  Even the slightest changes can be dynamic.


Change emanates from every part of the college or university.   Students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends are contributing more time, energy and even money into change efforts..  Civic leaders and community leaders are seeking out change agents.  Change creates visibility and it promotes pride.  There is no other option than to move forward with change.


Since the 1980’s, China began a series of reforms, it has lifted an estimated 600 million people out of poverty.  No nation in history has pulled as many people out of poverty in as short a period of time.


It is fair to say that many colleges and universities have lifted a lot of people out of poverty.  Colleges and universities in the United States  are still fueling the middle class.

Institutions will need to take bold steps to address issues of growth, technology, research and outreach.  For the better institutions these changes will happen more quickly.


Some institutions will undergo transformation in the coming years responding to social, economic, and technological, among other changes in society.


However, the broader purpose of colleges and universities will still include the need to preserve and convey their history and heritage.


There is talent in every unit at most universities.  It’s up to them to optimize use of the talent.  Our strength is our people, especially in universities.  Let’s move forward and let’s move forward quickly.

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